Wholesaling DeBora Rachelle Products (buy in bulk)


Interested in becoming a DeBora Rachelle wholesale or dropship partner? Here’s what you need to know… We are looking to build successful partnerships with established retailers/Internet Stores/Social Media presence who reflect and will uphold the high quality standards DeBora Rachelle provides.


• Established sales channel(s) related to home decor or bed linen
• Proof of your store front or internet website or social Media presence
• Minimum first time open order to open up your line with our products


Thank you for your interest in the DeBora Rachelle Wholesale or Dropshipping Program! Applications can take up to 2 weeks for review as each application is reviewed extensively and handled on a case by case basis.

First and Last name *_____________________________________
Phone Number *__________________________________________
Email *_____________________
Sales Tax ID *______________
Federal ID *________________
Business name * __________________________________________
In Business Since *_________________
Business Address *_________________________________________ Street Address _________________________________________ Address Line 2 _________________________________________ City__________________________________________________ State/ Province _________ Zip Code__________________Country________________
Country of Final Destination of goods *__________________________
What are your year to date (YTD) sales in USD? $__________
What are your year to date (YTD) sales in USD? Check one:
___Less than $5,000
___Over $100,000
Type of Business (Check all that apply) *
__Physical Store
__E-Commerce /Website
__Marketplace (Amazon, Ebay,Website)
__Social Media Influencer
Provide website URL for each web- based sales channel:
* _________________________
Number of Physical stores * ____________
Promotional social networking sites *
Facebook: ____________________________________________ Instagram:____________________________________________ Twitter:______________________________________________
Pinterest: _____________________________________________ Other:________________________________________________
Who is your clientele (target market, age, income bracket, gender, etc)? *__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
What type of products and brands do you carry? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
If applicable, please include interior and exterior photographs of your physical store and location of your store. (Store name must be clearly visible, up to 5 photos ) By checking this box and filling out the DeBora Rachelle pre-application form, you agree to our terms and conditions and understand that the following form does not guarantee approval of a wholesale nor dropshipping account. If approved, authorized dealers are not to sell DeBora Rachelle products at a cost less than the suggested retail price. Company shall not claim any rights (except pursuant to the terms of this agreement) to DeBora Rachelle’s trademarks or the goodwill represented by any of them. Company is prohibited from using DeBora Rachelle’s trademarks in any way that makes it seem or suggests Company is an official DeBora Rachelle store or is in anyway directly associated with DeBora Rachelle Inc. besides being a seller of DeBora Rachelle’s products. DeBora Rachelle reserves the right to decline and revoke a wholesale account or dropshipping account to any interested parties at our discretion. No appeals or reapplications.

Signature ____________________________________________ Date _____-_____-_____

Print off, fill out, sign and send to info (at) deborarachelle.com or snail mail to: DeBora Rachelle Inc., PO Box 16420, Duluth, MN 55816 NOTE: approval process can take up to 4 weeks.